A truly memorable Speaking Event
I received the kindest of welcomes at Walthamstow Hall and honoured to meet with the new head Miss Stephanie Ferro and Head of 6th Form Miss Libby Ancrum who guided me through the day. Along with two most engaging and spirited head girls, there was an obvious calm energy within the walls of this special school.
It was a privilege to speak to the students.
My talk title: – The Power of Words – included our need to be aware of the stories we tell ourselves, our relentless mind chatter and the messages we send out to others.
Quote ” Words are Powerful Tools”
What we focus on happens. With greater awareness, a different mindset we can flip negative thoughts into uplifting positives.
We can ‘Be the Best We Can Be.’
We matter as women. Let’s be our own cheerleaders. Let’s value and stand tall in who we are with our own unique story. By supporting, championing and collaborating with each other we can affect a sea of change.
One of my final quotes:- “Girls who have dreams become women with Vision.”
Let’s dream and dream big and show kindness along the way.
I was impressed by the students’ active participation. And was delighted when asked thought-provoking questions. Again the positive warmth in the Theatre spoke volumes.
I have re-read the Head Miss Stephanie Ferro‘s recent introduction to Walthamstow Hall. I believe my talk held a thread to her words of wisdom.
“Wally girls are characterised by a quiet assurance which comes from knowing who they are and, moreover, that they are valued for who they are, by us and by each other. This, we believe, is the best preparation for whatever life has in store.”
I congratulate both the head, head of 6th form. I wish to extend a year of powerful achievements and personal success to each of the students too.
I will publish extracts via audio from my talk soon.
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