Miriam describes why it is so incredibly important “to love ourselves unconditionally” and “sweep the negativity away”.
Thrilled and grateful to be interviewed by Dr Shelley Plumb – CEO of Plumb Talk Women.
Quote from Dr Shelley Plumb: Trying times calls for a hefty dose of optimism! The PlumbTalk Team is pleased to welcome speaker and author Miriam McGuirk. In this riveting segment, Miriam explains why she believes ‘perfection’ is not possible. When we fall down in the game of life, Miriam explains,.....
October 6th 2016 – Drive Time with Dominic King on BBC Radio Kent

We were invited back to BBC Radio Kent as guests on Dominic King’s Drive Time Show “The Conversation.” We spoke about Animals – how they can affect our lives, our recent trip to New York City and finally Anxiety – how this has affected both mine and my husband Chris.....
Tuesday 6th September- Drive Time with Dominic King on BBC Radio Kent

Invited with my Brand Manager Chris Pollard to be a guest on “The Conversation”. This is to become a regular guest spot for us to appear every 6 / 7 weeks. Keeping continuity updating the listeners on my developing brand, events and the publication of my next book in 2017.
Maidstone Author gains the support of Local Waterstones Branches. 2016 starts with success for Miriam McGuirk!
Miriam McGuirk published two books within 6 months last year and now Waterstones is stocking both – so 2016 couldn’t be better for Miriam! bold: Find out more by downloading the Waterstones Press Release by [clicking here.