Listening – (Audio by Miriam – Click More)

April 20, 2018

I was inspired to write ‘Listening’ back in 2001

It seems ‘listening and hearing’ have become even more of an art form in 2018.

It is easy to forget, as you sit in your office or like me in my writing cave removed from the hub of daily life and people.

The…. world is filled with noise and busyness. Everyone on their mission to succeed, rushing, driving themselves relentlessly.

Sadly they remain closed to listening to other’s needs; what is important to them, what they need to share.

My poem is about listening.

It equally transcends to our personal lives, to creatives and businesses too.

As an author and storyteller, it is not about me. It is about my followers, my audience.
I have a responsibility to ‘Listen and Hear’

Grab their attention, take them on an exciting journey, one they wish to go on.

What will lift my tribe up, inspire and encourage them?

By listening to your readers’ clients, family and friends,
You are giving that precious gift of time by allowing them to share their story. Help motivate, build relationships with trust and support.

Today, let’s give someone the gift of our time and attention. Respect and listen to what they have to say. 


 Listening is an art form
That many of us have not yet

We remain oh so busy, 
only thinking of our needs.

Make the time to 
listen and hear

What others have to say,


Create a deeper bond of harmony
and love along the way.

By listening more 
We have the chance to learn
of others fears. Their hopes 

how they wish to fulfill their dreams.

Shutting our mouths,

opening our ears,
we can learn

what empathy and connection
really means.

It requires an unselfish person 
in this absorbed world

to listen unconditionally
to our loved ones 
sometimes troubled world.

Love is listening and hearing 
what the other has to say

Change your way of thinking 
Become the listening and empathetic ear

right here, right now,

Yes, today.

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