I would never claim to be a gardener but over the years, ideas for garden design have come easily.
I count myself lucky to have a superhero, who has transformed my visions into creating spaces with colourful plant life.
And, much to my astonishment I have been able to successfully grow herbs.
In our current climate, what a great opportunity to grow our own.
Now that the Lavender season has arrived, I pick the narrow, spire like flowers, and arrange them with fresh rosemary into vases. I place them at strategic points and await the heady aroma to fill each room in the house.
Lavender represents;
Love, Devotion, Purity and Loyalty
I am drawn to the vibrant purple and lavender’s many therapeutic powers.
I simply pick a flower, rub it between my fingers, and smell its intoxicating perfume and, that sense of peace washes over me.
My neighbour dries the blooms in the sun; later filling tiny hand-made bags of muslin with fragrant buds.
At my desk when writing, I use lavender for calming thoughts and focus. At night I tuck a muslin bag under my pillow; allowing me a quality night’s sleep.
Since our move to the Marsh in Kent, I have become aware of our local bees, and how they are attracted to the pollen and nectar in Lavender, Mint and Oregano.
I appreciate the slow transition into a summer season, where the landscape becomes awash with colour. Carpets of lush grass remind me of the Emerald Isle, contrasting with yellow fields of rapeseed.
Surrounded by a surge of wild plants and herbs; thriving and blossoming with abandon, aromatic plants, have been used for thousands of years, because of their healing, culinary uses, and stories of mythology.
Their history and folklore continues to hold my curiosity.
I readily use an organic mix of aromatherapy oils created by the wonderful Aromatherapist, Ursula O’ Regan near Maidstone in Kent
Challenged with food intolerances since I was a child, in particular, wheat, dairy, the onion and garlic family; herbs are an essential part of my daily diet. They enhance my cooking and baking, adding extra flavour and taste.
Herbs picked straight from my garden-
Mint: – for fresh tea and known to aid anxiety
Thyme: – Represents Courage
Oregano: – Happiness and Joy
Rosemary: – Improves Memory and is often used in remembrance of those who have passed.
Sage: – Symbolises Success
You don’t need a garden to grow herbs and in a small way we are contributing to the environment.

As we continue to step into days of renewal; let’s remain in flow, get creative, and learn the skill of mindfully growing our favourite herbs.
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