Persi the black Cat prowls
The widow spider sitting in her
tangled web
‘Come come…share my prey if you are brave,
Hubble Bubble Trouble is ahead,’
She said.

With Pumpkins alight
Green Witches on brooms
Cross the sky, casting their spells of doom and gloom
Be afraid be very afraid.

Bababu waiting on the other side of the full moon
wishing to save us earthlings
Children’s haunted faces
cry out
‘We love you Bababu
Please don’t die.’
Luck is on his side
On this Ghostly, Halloween night.
My childhood memory of an Irish Halloween

My father arrived home with crunchy apples, oranges and walnuts in their shells all wrapped up in brown paper bags.
My mother baked a rich and fruity Halloween Brack filled with a silver coin and a gold ring. Impatiently we waited. Who would find the ring or coin in their slice of brack, smothered in creamy Irish butter?
My three sisters and I, wearing our scary masks; felt much disappointment at not being allowed out, to go from door to door, and join the other children of Trick or Treating.
We jumped every time we heard a loud rat ta tat. Scary shadowy figures stood in the moonlight night. We gingerly opened the front door and handed out sweets and oranges to the children.
Later, my father would fill a large basin with water, ready to play the ‘The Apple Bobbing Game.’
We wore blindfolds. Dad led us, in turn, to dip our faces into the icy cold water.
Our Aim- to bite and pick up one of the apples.

He pulled out from his pocket a silver coin to the winner. We wanted to play the game, over and over but my parents insisted it was way past our bedtime.
“The Ghosts of Halloween are watching, ready to haunt you if you do not go to sleep soon. And you have school tomorrow.”
With moans of ‘it isn’t fair’… reluctantly we bade mum and dad goodnight.
Later we dreamt of rings and coins and how we might celebrate the following year.
Would love to know what your childhood memory of Halloween is. How do you celebrate?
What an interesting post Miriam and what fun you had! I don’t remember celebrating Halloween as a child, it seems more of a recent celebration. Bonfire night was a big event for my sisters and me with a bonfire in the garden and neighbours coming around and Dad setting off fireworks that nearly blew him up every time he lit one. Happy days!
My sincerest apologies Caroline. Have had to deal with much spam on here. Finally clearing from way back in November 2021- Great to hear of your happy memories of Bonfire nights and your dear dad setting off fireworks!Thank you for taking the time to comment.
Halloween, dad taking us around Compass Hill to The Witches Hole and jumping behind the wall to hide, while we cluched each other my brother and I, terrified. On the way home trick and treating from house to house, gathering fruit, nuts and sweets. Home at last, safe from the ghouls and ghosts of the night, snap apple game, hair soaked after an hour of trying to get an apple, brack toasted on a long fork at the fire and steaming Fry ‘s cocoa to end the night, ah memories.
Thank you for sharing your wonderfu memories of Halloween Anne. I enjoyed how you set the scene and feel your fear.
Apologies for delay in replying – Have had so much scam on here. Finally I have been able to remove from way back- to see your much appreciated comment. Thanks you.