Flying High- Beautiful Swallow Season.

May 28, 2024

Flying High- It’s Swallow Season


Miriam McGuirk

“Life ebbs and flows and never stays the same. Transient, as many of us  know.”  Quote – Miriam McGuirk

That said, swallows are: A reminder of those who sweep in and out of our lives. There is always something to learn or share.

I lie on my yoga mat stretching into various poses on the decking outside my writing shack. I gaze towards the blue and feathery white skies and am reminded of the mountains at my Turkish retreat, where swallows would return to the same habitat each year.

Mornings would begin at 5 am with a walk down the valley. Our two rescue dogs led the way, and, on our return, I headed to the lower terrace. Yoga mat under my arm, Selina and Martha sat on either side of my stretched-out body, under one of the ancient olive trees. Temperature rising, I would stare at the tops of umbrella-shaped pine trees. The brightness of the skies, and swallows appearing meant true summer had arrived.

And here in Rye, they are, flying high and sweeping low, embraced by our wild bird family. When I walk through the cobbled streets of Rye town, Rye Harbour or Pett Level, I spy swallows swirling; swooping in aerobatic formations in and around each other. And before the sun dips, setting into an orange sky, the birds reappear.

Swallows stand for love, hope, and freedom which I believe we can aspire to.

Oh, to fly high and spread our wings, free like these birds. Feeling the lightness of simply being, to travel far and later return with uplifting and exciting stories to write and share.

I have come to realise that swallows and authors have some common factors.


Swallows and authors embark on journeys: swallows traverse continents in their migration, while authors embark on mental voyages, travelling deeply into our imagination while focused on completing our novels.


Swallows and authors symbolise freedom and creativity, with swallows representing the freedom of flight and authors catching the readers’ attention by expressing and sharing their writing.


Swallows and their graceful flight patterns dart through the air with agility, just as we wish our writing and reading to flow. Authors take flight with words, crafting stories and ideas that transport our readers to cultures, languages and different perspectives.

“Swallows teach us to dance in the sky.”-Unknown

We may not be able to physically fly, but we can learn to flex and spread our wings. Travel through our life path with everything unfolding as it needs to.

Let’s embrace these special days. Why not sit and BE for a while, and absorb nature at its best?

Unlike the swallows who will head to foreign lands, I remain in my peaceful environment, writing, and storytelling for many seasons to come….

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