Flying High – It’s The Swallow Season….(Audio by Miriam – Click More )

May 2, 2018

“Life ebbs and flows, it never stays the same.

Transient as many of us have come to know

People appear with a wish to be your new ‘friend’  Then they leave, gone……forever.” Quote by Miriam McGuirk

A reminder to remain grateful to those who sweep in and out of our lives.

“Sometimes people come into your life for a moment, a day or a lifetime. It matters not the time they spent with you but how they impacted your life at that time” ( Quote-Unknown)

My question;

What have we learned through meeting them?

I lie on my yoga mat stretching into various poses on the lower terrace. I gaze towards the tops of umbrella-shaped pine trees and the brightness of azure blue skies.

I know summer has almost arrived when the swallows appear.

Ah, there they are, flying high and sweeping low through the sky. Embraced by our wild bird family for a short while.

Early morning as I walk down the valley I see the swallows’ swirl; swoop in aerobatic formations in and around each other. They reappear before the sun dips, setting into an orange and blush skyline.

Oh, to fly high and spread my wings; free like these birds. Feeling the lightness of simply being. To travel far and later return with more uplifting and exciting stories to write.

Swallows stand for love, hope, freedom which I believe each of us can aspire to.

This is a season of renewal, anticipation, and growth. 

An opportunity to review where we have come from? The journey that has brought us to here.

We can choose to sit awhile, rest, simply ‘BE’ in the special moments of now.

Only then are we ready to move on to our next destination?

We may not be able to physically fly but each of us can learn to flex and spread our wings as we travel on our life path. Everything unfolding as it needs to.

Unlike the swallows who will soon head to other foreign lands, I remain in my peaceful environment- Writing, storytelling for many seasons to come….

Does nature inspire you? How does it affect your life as you make the transition into summer?

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