How to Avoid becoming ‘The Heat Monster’

July 18, 2016

Coping with the ‘Hot Steamy Season’

When I signed up to live in south-west Turkey I did not realise:-
From the 1st week of July suddenly a powerful force appears to turn up the thermostat to “Blistering Hot and Humid” … Only this year it shocked us by appearing in June.
Last year I was in Blighty from May to September for the publication of my first book Shattered Dreams and Scorpions at Midnight – a search for Sanctuary with book signings and speaking events both in the UK and Ireland.
I forgot or blanked it out how my brain starts to fry once we hit over thirty-five degrees. I am that Crab bitten by the Black Scorpion as I change into the ‘Heat Monster.’
As the sweltering inescapable blistering heat takes hold, I have been known to roar! There is a constant drip, drip… running down my body and into the depths of my brain rendering it to fudge, without focus or intellect. This does not bode well for a writer in her immersive cave who needs to complete the 1st draft of her next book.
At temperatures of over forty degrees, with feelings of being fried to a crisp not functioning on any level, it takes its toll. Patience does not exist as my temper frays over the simplest of challenges.

Some thirteen years ago on listening to advice, we installed three air con units throughout the house including my little office.
I have refused to use them for over seven years. For me, they are not a healthy option to remain cool. As soon as I step outside or simply switch the air con to off, the environment becomes unbearable. I find myself expressing even more irrational crabbiness.
I have reflected on why I do not need to have a moan, be impatient because I am feeling ‘overheated’?
This is how it is, and down to me and me alone to find a way to overcome writing effectively and coping in this extreme heat.
I am able to drink copious amounts of water, eat food that is refreshing, take as many cold showers as I need to over the course of my day. If it all becomes too overpowering I have the delightful option to drive to the healing beach.
The chorus from the song by Katy Perry ‘Roar’ springs to mind
‘Dancing through the fire
Cause I am a champion
And you’re gonna hear me roar’
for my reasons!
This year a “Note to Self” went into immediate action as soon as the spirit of the thermostat rose-
Write from 6am-11am with a spot of yoga stretching followed by eating a scrummy breakfast in between.
Place two large fans in front of the desk.
Place and replace iced cold compresses on shoulders whilst writing.
Renew and restore at 11 am – Close the bureau.
Drive 9K to my traditional Turkish beach.
Throw myself into the cooling water. Swim and float and simply ‘BE’ until this body cools down.
Lie in the shade allowing the sea breeze to waft and envelop me.
Eat a light lunch of fresh salad.
Allow time for clarity and brain power to return.
It works I become calm and cool, the fudge dissipates as I refocus and manage the rest of my day with ease.
Soon I will return to the cooler climate of Kent with no excuses as I finish this writing project. More news on that soon.

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