In This Season of Thanksgiving – The Ceremonial delivery of a Fresh Honeycomb…..

November 25, 2016

In this season of thanksgiving, straight from the hive, thanks to the expertise of our village beekeepers, our neighbour delivered pure raw honey on the honeycomb today.


She proceeded to cut it off the honeycomb as you would slice big chunks of cake (who needs cake?).

You cannot get much purer than this, unheated, unpasteurised and unprocessed.
We have been instructed to store this ‘mana’ in a cool place within a sealed platter.

It contains all that is associated with bees:- from bee pollen, propolis and of course bits from the honeycomb. I have read that bee pollen on its own is a superfood containing 96 known nutrients.

Tasting of a light sweet caramel, we are in divine honey heaven for awhile. Full of flavour with healing properties that include support for our immune systems and containing:-

anti vira, anti bacterial and
anti-inflammatory properties
The list goes on……

I use it as a replacement for sugar in my bread and cake baking too.

If you are buying honey ensure it is locally sourced or if you really have to buy in a shop, ensure it is the best quality, organic at its best.

This is our village life, our second spring season delivering fresh food with taste and flavour.

For more information on the many health benefits of raw honey click on:

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