December 5th 2016

Pop The Cork
By Dr. Shelley Plumb
The beach usually has a calming effect on me. Today is different. I feel my stomach tighten and look around. It is such a lovely day here on the beach. Why do I feel uneasy?
Searching the archives of my mind, my thoughts settle on an incident from yesterday. I was warned to keep my mouth shut and chastised for voicing my opinion. Staring out over the blue ocean waves I realize something. Words have power. They can drown hopes in the ocean depths never to be seen again.
I catch sight of a bottle bobbing in the waves. As it approaches the shore I bend over to pick it up. Studying the scratched glass, I realize that there have been times in my life when I have felt trapped in a life’s bottle. In that bottle I cannot see. I cannot hear.
I am overrun with panic.
The beautiful sounds of the world around me have been reduced to an incoherent whisper. Terrified I put my hands up against the glass only to find myself gasping in the stagnant air within the confines of the bottle.
I wonder how many of us feel like we are trapped in a metaphorical bottle in life; gazing out at a distorted world, stifled and suffocated by words eager to escape.
When emotions become bottled up, constructive feelings often turn gloomy; dirtying the inside glass walls with dark debilitating thoughts that multiply as the sunlight is denied access.
Darkness reigns and is not a forgiving soul.
Why? Darkness spreads darkness propagating a collective feeling of disparity, hopelessness, and regret.
Turning my face to the sun today I suddenly feel its warmth ignite a spark in my heart. Perhaps the solution lies in one simple word-
Oh yes, we must summon the courage. We must do what it takes to rock the bottle onto its side and give that cork the ultimate heave-ho….open it, step out, and let the words flow.
Yes, words from a heart darkened by the perils of the world can hurt, but words from a heart brimming with love can be liberating.
My dear readers…reach deep and find that love. Step out into the sun and light the spark. Find the words to uplift the masses. We must say what we mean. We must speak from the heart. We must not be afraid to speak and be heard.
Oh yes. I will speak. I will say it…say it loud…say it with confidence. I will let my love for myself; humanity and the environment shine through. How?
I will not run from situations where a helping hand is needed. I will not hold my tongue when wrong-doing dominates.
I will not stick my head in the sand when I am told to be quiet.
I stand here now, bottle in hand with a renewed sense of purpose. My life’s bottle is now open and will not be corked by anyone.
You see words with good intent heal.
May we all share our positive messages with the world. They are, after all, a gift; a gift never to be withheld.
More about Dr. Shelley Plumb
Always on a mission, Shelley graduated with honors from Pacific University and went on to earn her Doctorate Degree from Scholl College of Podiatric Medicine.
She served as Chief Podiatry Resident at the prestigious Crozer-Chester Medical Center of Pennsylvania where she completed her podiatric surgical training.
In addition to her expertise in the medical world, she is founder and president of PlumbTalk, Inc. PlumbTalk provides individuals worldwide with resources and dialogue that enhances selfesteem.
The company boasts a flourishing virtual community that hosts the first allencompassing website dedicated solely to encouraging women.
PlumbTalk is founded on Shelley’s belief that “when you reach out, you will begin seeing what is within.” Shelley’s passion for people is evident in how she cares for others.
Shelley knows firsthand that an individual’s journey through life is full of ups and downs. However, when bliss and distress collide, Shelley challenges herself to rise above mere circumstance. Her perseverance has empowered her to become a straight talking woman, devoted to encouraging and energizing others. Her personal story is one that inspires all individuals worldwide to reach out and discover what makes them special.
Contact Dr. Shelley Plumb – or follow her on Twitter:@PlumbTalkWomen
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