Forever Young – Attitude and being Real

November 24, 2019

This morning Selina bounded out of her bed filled with zip and zeal as she does every morning. She is high on life and dives into the day… every single day.

When I appear wearing my walking shoes, she runs around biting at my trainers jumping up and down, a ball of pure excitement. It’s as if it is her first ever walk.

Throwing her head back howling like a wolf, “Come on M get a move on, let’s go walk down the dirt track.”

In the west, it seems we are obsessed with holding on to the bloom of youth, how we present ourselves and appear to the world?
Why are we so absorbed about age and ageing and our determination at any cost ‘to fix’ ourselves to look younger?

What happened to experience, wisdom, positive attitude and mindset?

Selina does not worry that she is 84 in human years. She does not think about her age or use it as an excuse or reason not to live her life with full-blown vitality. She has no idea how old she is, or how she physically looks to the world.
Nor does she judge me. Her love and loyalty do not waiver because of how I continue to change, how I look or feel.

She behaves like the same puppy who arrived at ours some fifteen years ago. She rolls on the ground, leaping into muddy puddles of water, running after squirrels, she is never going to catch.
In her mind, life is for living. She embraces who she is and grabs every moment by her swishy boa tail. From early morning until night falls, she continues to play the ‘life game.’

Her daily expectations are food, cuddles, and the love she deserves.

As humans, I reckon we can glean some lessons from our pets.

Age is simply a number, not a barrier to how we continue to engage, be curious and remain willing to learn all that is new. Let us allow our natural beauty and vibrancy shine through.

Stand tall in your light, be proud of the journey you have travelled- the story of your life just as it is. Join me, for it’s a lovely place to be, the authentic us- the who and where we are right now and the path that Selina continues to walk successfully.

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